2024 is off to a good start with the welcoming of “Vlerick Business School” as a new LIBISnet partner! After four intense months, we have together succeeded in migrating +- 120,000 records to Alma, making the VBS-collection accessible via Limo.
Quote Vlerick Business School:
“We believe that our digital library services are more than just a repository of knowledge. They serve as a catalyst for growth and are at the heart of research, teaching, and continuous learning. That's why we made the decision to invest in a modern Integrated Library System (ILS) that can help us achieve these strategic goals. About 1 year ago, the library team mapped out the requirements for a modern library platform and made a list of needs according to priority. After several demos and sound evaluation, we concluded that LIBIS was the best partner. On 2 October 2023, we officially kicked off the project together. We defined a clear project governance and a project plan that described well-defined milestones, including two test migrations. Thanks to a motivated project team and a good collaboration with LIBIS, we are now live! But the project does not end here. In the coming weeks and months, we’re looking forward to fine-tune the configuration and evaluate, as we want to keep learning from this project."
We wish the library team of “Vlerick Business School” the best of luck as a LIBISnet partner!